
Optogen2022 invites you to present your most recent results related to optogenetics to our international workshop participants.

Poster guidelines

The available board will 2x1m (vertical orientation).

A0 format or any other format that fits the board size is compatible.  

Abstract guidelines

Please send your abstract at following this template file

  • All abstracts will be considered for poster sessions.
  • If possible, please use the abstract template provided as Word file and submit your abstract as a pdf file.
  • Title and all of text must fit on the first page.
  • All figures, tables and references should appear on the second page.


Abstract deadlines

  • Abstract submission opens Mars 7, 2022
  • Abstract submission Extended until APRIL 22, 2022


Presentation format for authors

Plenary Talks:
Allocated time slot is 40 minutes + 10 minutes of questions and comments from the audience

Invited Talks:
Allocated time slot is 30 minutes + 7 minutes of questions and comments from the audience

Sponsored Talks:
Allocated time slot is 6 minutes + 2 minutes of questions and comments from the audience